The impetus to update how the (un)conference is run is that zine librarianship has evolved substantially since the first ZLuC, which was held in 2009. Zine librarians and archivists have discussed and enacted programs, instruction, cataloging, etc., based on these last 15 years’ worth of informal events. We’d like to keep the open spirit of the unconference alive by blending proposals as warranted (no proposal will be rejected) and playing program jenga at the beginning of the conference so people can attempt to attend as many of their priority sessions as possible.
Therefore, we will issue a call for proposals and, with a volunteer subcommittee, develop a tentative schedule. That schedule will be subject to reorganization by local and remote attendees. If interest warrants, we will also arrange for “birds of a feather” meetings for people who prefer discussion-based sessions.
Friday, August 2, 2023
Afternoon: Totally optional, only-small-groups-can-even-be-accommodated visits to:
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
- Riot Grrrl collection at New York University
Saturday, August 3, 2023
Full day, something like 9:30-5, leaving a good amount of time in the beginning for introducing the event, how it will work, breaking the ice, and adjusting or affirming the schedule.
Saturday evening: possible zine reading, maybe at Bluestockings?
Sunday, August 4, 2023
Half day, something like 9:30-1. Hack sessions
- Zine Librarians Code of Ethics (honestly this could be the only hack, with 6-8 section groups)
- ZineWiki
- ?
Afternoon visits to:
- MoRUS (Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space)
- ABC No Rio
- Barnard Zine Library
- Interference Archive