Cost Proposal

> zluc-nyc-2024 > Cost Proposal

The Zine Librarians unConference community is overwhelmingly in support of charging a registration fee so that organizers can have a realistic sense of attendance, as well as to fund the BIPOC travel grant [link to come] and other unconference costs.

Based on discussions held at an “all-staff” meeting (to which all ZLuC volunteers were invited), we have determined that the lowest recommended registration fee will be $10. (Email the organizers if that amount is prohibitive!)

This is our recommended sliding scale. (We’re not going to audit your books!)


People from no budget zine libraries/archives $20
People whose travel is not funded $20
People with $1000 or less in travel funds $100
People with more than $1000 in travel funds $200
People from organizations that are willing to sponsor a meal, a service, a grant, etc. $250-$$2000
Other amount $??

Conference coordinators Gina, Jenna, and Lauren will share expenses and spending reports to the group at regular intervals and by request (with some lead time). Any funds left over at the end of the event will be used for travel grants for ZLuC 2025.