Zine Union Catalog Planning Meeting 2024

> Union Catalog Work Space > Zine Union Catalog Planning Meeting 2024

ZineCat Planning Meeting 2024 Information & Details

We are counting down the days until we’re all together at Barnard College in NYC to come together and discuss all things Zine Union Catalog!  Three meows for this!!!

Who, What, When, and Where

Who: Zine library community archivists, catalogers, curators, designers, developers, instructors, etc.  that have indicated interest in participating or who have been involved in the project’s development previously.   

What: A two-day planning meeting in NYC to discuss the next phase of ZineCat’s development facilitated by Sara Yukimoto-Saltman.  Funding for this meeting is provided by an National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Chair’s Grant.  

When: August 5 & 6, 2024 (immediately following the 2024 ZineLibrarians unConference)

Where: Barnard Library, New York, NY


There are plenty of details to share with you, so we’re coordinating our communications in a few places to accommodate any preference you have.  

  1. You’ll get regular emails from us beginning…now
  2. We will provide details on a ZineLibraries Wiki
  3. We’ll use the Zines + GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) Discord to share additional information.  

We’ll share documentation, agendas, and other materials as they become available.  

Pre-Planning Meeting Intro Session (facilitated by Sara Yukimoto-Saltman): June 9, 2024

We are really looking forward to meeting together for our Intro Session on Sunday, June 9 from 7-8p EST (Calendar invite with zoom link will be sent to your inbox). The purpose of this meeting is to share with you more about the upcoming ZineCat convening happening August 5-6, and to invite you to share input in shaping the meeting. 

In advance of the intro session, we want to share a few logistical details with you:

  • Agenda: Below is the agenda for our intro meeting together. 
    • Icebreaker (10 minutes)
    • Share our goals for the ZineCat convening (10 minutes)
    • Gather your hopes and questions about the convening (30 minutes)
    • Invite your input, closing (10 minutes)
  • Zoom Link: Here is the zoom link for the Intro Session: 
  • Session materials: We will be using an interactive slide deck during the intro meeting. That being said, it is sometimes easiest to join the session from a computer, versus a phone or tablet so that you are able to toggle between zoom and the slidedeck.
  • Captioning: We will provide automatic live captioning during the meeting through Zoom.
  • Access needs: If you have specific access needs that are not addressed above, or questions about the details provided below, please reach out to Sara at sarayukimi@gmail.com.

Please feel welcome to reach out to us with any other questions. Thank you so much, and we look forward to being with you soon!


Jenna, Lauren, and Sara

Travel Logistics

What’s included in the grant?

Travel Stipend   Housing at Barnard Residence Hall Meals
Subway, train, mileage reimbursement, airplane,  Two night accommodations in Barnard’s residence hall that includes all the needed linens (but bring your own towel!) Two Meals per day (breakfast & lunch) over two days.  Dinner is on your own, but we’ll provide plenty of recommendations!

How to book / pay for your travel

You may book your own travel and get reimbursed, or you can ask Jenna to book your tickets for you. 

  • Book your own: email receipts to jfreedma@barnard.edu and freid@barnard.edu, and we’ll turn around your payment as quickly as we can (provided you have provided your paperwork: W9, direct deposit form, and canceled check (or approximation thereof for folx who have never written a check in their lives)). 
  • Buying on Jenna’s p card: make an appointment or  view her calendar to suggest a time for synchronous ticket purchasing.
  • FYI this is what we estimated for travel costs in our budget: 
    • NYC – $6 (RT subway)
    • International participant – $1200
    • East coast participant – $400
    • Midwest participant – $700
    • Southeast participant – $600
    • Southwest participant – $700
    • West coast participant – $800

Your travel will cost what it costs, but it would be super special if it costs close to or less than our estimate. Anything we save on travel, we can spend on something else, like food or swag. 

Zine Librarians unConference

The ZineCat planning meeting will happen directly following ZLuC, so if you plan on attending both, we encourage you to use your travel stipend for travel!  More information on ZLuC can be found on the zinelibraries.info wiki. 

Note that you’ll be responsible for paying for your own registration, housing, and some of your food during ZLuC.

Additional Information:

Wireless access will be provided on campus and in the apartment-style residence hall, which is a block away from the meeting site. 

The dorms are a block away from Riverside Park. There might even be goats!

There are plentiful food options, bars, sights, and the famed Hungarian Pastry Shop in the neighborhood. 

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