Union Catalog Work Space

> Union Catalog Work Space

Zine Metadata Review

Sample Zine Record Batches – Received by Christina

Library Number of records in sample Number of zines records in source catalog Format Schema Vocabularies Source Christina’s Questions for Jenna
Columbia University – Barnard College 3691 3751 MARC AACR2 lcsh ; MARC download; also available via rss feed; 655 Zines
Harvard University – Radcliffe 242 264? MARC AACR2 lcsh ; RSS feed; DPLA API (number returned doesn’t match number returned in Harvard Catalog Advanced Search) Best / most complete method for pulling zines (which elements to query, and from what source)
San Francisco Public Library 13 300? MARC AACR2 lcsh ; Emailed export; some availability via link+ union catalog, but zines seem to appear with 650 AND 655 Zines
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh 1691 ? CSV Export-defined? none (tags used) Emailed export; cataloged in Library Thing, uses tag ‘zines’
Denver Zine Library 8833 8833 Excel Local? none (keywords) Emailed spreadsheet
QZAP 412 412 Excel Local – ZineCore? none (keywords) Emailed spreadsheet
Papercut Zine Library 13835 13835 Google Spreadsheet Local none (keywords, categories) Google spreadsheet
IPRC 386? ? HTML Local none IPRC website
Sallie Bingham Center 2839 2839 HTML? Local? none (subjects) Duke Libraries website – no way to batch export records? Further exploratino for finding aid(s)?

ZineCore <-> DublinCore Mapping in Progress

ZineCore Dublin Core DC link Associated Vocabularies / Formats Example
Title Title http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title n/a
Creator(s) Creator http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator NAF, Dbpedia, Zine Wiki
Subject(s) / Genres Subject http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/subject LCSH, Anchor Archive Subject Thesaurus
Content description/notes Abstract / Description http://purl.org/dc/terms/abstract / http://purl.org/dc/terms/description n/a
Publisher(s) Publisher http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/publisher NAF, Dbpedia, Zine Wiki
Contributor(s) Contributor http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor NAF, Dbpedia, Zine Wiki
Date of publication Date / Created http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date / http://purl.org/dc/terms/created ISO 8601 (for machine readable)
Type Type http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type DCMI Type Vocabulary (all will be ‘Text’); expand type vocabulary for zines?
Format / physical description Format http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format n/a currently
Identifiers (union ID#) identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier include uris where possible <identifier type=”zcore”>
Source Source http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/source n/a
Language Language http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language marc language codes
Relation (see also) Relation http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/relation n/a
Coverage (place of publication) Coverage http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/coverage LCSH, NAF for geographic names
Rights (freedoms and restrictions) Rights http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/rights n/a
Type Type http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type Jenna’s list

Tentative ZineCore <-> Record Samples Various Schema/Format

DC/ZC MARC Carnegie CSV Denver Zine Library Excel QZAP Excel
Title 245 a b / 246 a Title Zine + Issue Zine Title
Creator 100 a d / 110 a d / 700 a d / 710 a d Author (last) + Author (first) CHECK THIS??? Zine Creator(s)
Subject 6XX Subjects , Tags* , LCC , DCC Location , Keywords Keywords
Abstract / Description 520 a Comment , Ratings , Reviews Description
Publisher 260 b / 264 b Publication Info [substring 0 to first comma] Publisher
Contributor 700 a d e=not author?
Date / Created 260 c / 264 c Date Release Date Year Created
Type Text Text
Format 300, 330 Publication Info, second substring Size / Pages Number of Pages
Identifier 010 a, 020a, 035a, generated ISBNs ID
Source 240 a / 490 a Zine
Language control field 008, 040 b? Language ISO
Relation 700, 710 t, 490, 830
Coverage 260/264 a City of Origin + Country City Created , State/Country , Country
Rights Check 500, 5XX for local notes pertaining to this field Generated Generated Generated

Zine Records Data Samples (links out to Google Spreadsheet until Christina has time to upload files)

  • files to be uploaded (Christina 9/29/2014)

To be added: XSLT, merged sample record batches transformed to ZC/XML, list of possible tools, etc. etc.


 List of resources

redmine: http://zines.dev3.webenabled.net
xZINECOREx Update document: https://calc.mayfirst.org/9zyw82rz1x
Metadata schema comparison chart: https://calc.mayfirst.org/xzinecorex_mapping