Meeting Accessibility Best Practices

> IZLuC 2020 - Virtual > Meeting Accessibility Best Practices

General Resources

Captions for meetings

  • All presenters should be encouraged to use a web captioner.  Alternatively, program attendees can use the captioner on their own devices (which will require using a separate browser from Zoom). Suggested captioning software:

Making the presentation accessible

  • Have well defined roles and responsibilities:
    • Presenter(s)
    • Note Taker(s)
    • Facilitator/Coordinator(s) (Representatives from IZLuC who could be co-host of meeting)
    • Chat monitor
  • Include broad trigger/content warnings at prior to or at the beginning of the session if potentially sensitive topics are being discussed
  • To minimize cognitive load for larger meetings, it is suggested that most attendees turn off their video (except for the designated roles above and anyone who is controlling the floor, i.e. participant asking a question, which there should only be one person at a time holding the floor) with a max of four videos shared at any one time.
  • Establish clear and consistent ways for audience participation: i.e. use the chat and raise hand function of Zoom (please note that the raise hand tool is limited because it is difficult to see the order in which hands are raised).
  • Try and minimize your background noise when/if you are speaking or facilitating. Utilize the Spotlight feature when possible/necessary

Presentation materials best practices

  • Make presentation materials accessible:
    • Share slides/documents or other shared materials before the presentation
    • Ensure that the materials are built accessibly, i.e. heading structure, alt text for images, avoid big blocks of text, and do not use acronyms or jargon, etc.  Automated tools available for this include built in accessibility software like Microsoft suite or Grackle for Google or Adobe Pro DC.
  • Speak clearly and slowly. Take pauses and breaks to check in with the audience.
  • Verbally describe any visuals you use, e.g. an image on a PPT slide should be described for audience members that may not be able to visually see the image.

Recording the meeting

  • Let the audience know the meeting is being recorded.
  • Provide captioning and transcript.