International Zine Librarians Unconference: another chance to get involved

As you may be aware, this year’s North American zine librarians unconference was canceled due to Covid-19. While not being able to meet with folks face-to-face in Montréal was a disappointment, canceling the in-person event gave rise to organizing an online conference with no participation costs and the opportunity for international involvement.

We held a mini/pilot-version of the event on International Zine Library Day. We had participation from at least six countries, including Chile and Japan, as well as Anglophone nations and had one primarily Spanish session.

The larger scale conference will take place Halloween through Día de los Muertos 2020. We’re looking for more people to contribute to organizing efforts, and hope you’ll consider joining.

Ziba Perez and Jenna Freedman will lead two orientations on Saturday, August 15. We hope you can make one of them! If you want to help, but can’t make an orientation, let us know, and we’ll try to hook you up another way.

Zoom for Saturday at UTC 17:00 (that is 7am in Honolulu, 10am in LA, 1pm in Brooklyn, 2pm in Halifax, and 7pm in Rome, and 3am Sunday in Melbourne)

Zoom for Saturday at UTC 22:00 (that is 12pm in Honolulu, 3pm in LA, 6pm in Brooklyn, 7pm in Halifax, 12am Sunday in Rome, and in 8am Sunday Melbourne)

If you’re in a location that is not well-served by these times, we’ll do our best to schedule another orientation that does.


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