Zine Union Catalog: investigations and explorations

Librarians/zine librarians Jenna Freedman and Lauren Kehoe are both working on their
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies in Digital Humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center, and as part of their studies they’ve been able to work on various projects around the Zine Union Catalog. There are thorny metadata issues involved in collocating such disparate metadata as are found in catalogs that describe zines, and their investigations of the problems and potential solutions are getting us closer to the idea of a shared zine catalog. Read more about the project they just wrapped up this semester in their latest blog post: “Doing Things with Novels: Final Project (aka Catalogers as Authors, Metadata as Annotation or how Jenna and Lauren used ZineCat to write a paper using catalog records).” We’re all grateful for the time and effort Lauren and Jenna have given to this effort!

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