
> zluc2014 > Proposals

Proposals for discussions/presentations

      • Internationalist Prison Books Collective
      • Survey of zine makers’ attitudes about scanning zines for ILL & copying for incarcerated people: results/report–Jenna 4
      • zines union catalog update and planning–Milo and Jenna some
      • develop code of ethics (about including metadata not included in the zine but easily found online or that you just know) –Jenna, based on Zine Librarians List thread with Kurt, Jude and Honor – lots
      • Show & tell from Bingham Center zine collection- Kelly W (can also talk about instruction) +2 lots
      • “In-Scope ‘enemy'” discussion about access or censorship or objectionable materials that fall within your institution’s collection scope. – Milo (who recently received a donation of a gay nazi publication) many
      • Wikipedia and/or ZineWiki editing session–Jenna +1 some
      • supporting zine librarians in trouble  some -some


  • SuperGraphic may be able to host a low cost/free screenprinting workshop. (This isn’t happening, but you can still check them out!)


Ideas from Registration Survey

  • Want to learn: linked open data, want to learn/share: forms, policies and procedures 
  • I am interested in furthering the xZinecorex discussion.
  • I’m also into archives and digital humanities stuff… +2 +1forDHa few 
  • workshop on zine cataloging using RDA +2 some
  • Considerations or best practices for zinester authority records +1 [I think this is related to code of ethics above] conflate?
  • crowdsourcing zine cataloging +1
  • starting student zine clubs few
  • Radical Zine Distros in Prison Books & Prisoner Support Projects  combine with ill report back
  • Present about some of the Latin American zines we have in our collection (UNC Chapel Hill), or about Triangle Book Arts, or about a couple of technical projects we have going on: adding photos of our artists’ books to ARTstor, and using Zotero to create a critical index of artists’ books (which could be applicable to zines, I’d think…).
  • Any Latino  xine representation?
  • How to get started
  • ‘zine making, ‘zine collections for high schools
  • Zine Tour Organizing Strategies +2 
  • I had programmers make a custom game platform for competitive cataloguing zines that I’d love to do a demo on. +1!
  • I’m really interested in learning more about volunteer outreach/work-study students,
  • and how other libraries have shaped their acquisition policy. 
  • How to Use & Implement Non-Hierarchical Categories +2
  • Interested in learning about fundraising/501c3 stuff, as well as best shelving and preservation techniques… I Could talk about how Papercut organizes ourselves as a collective using online tools as well as meeting structure etc. (this could be a panel or a discussion, ideally)
  • Interested in learning more about student zine clubs, which we’re working to start at New Paltz. Also interested in cataloging issues, thesauri, etc.>
  • Interested in learning about fundraising/501c3 stuff, as well as best shelving and preservation techniques… I Could talk about how Papercut organizes ourselves as a collective using online tools as well as meeting structure etc. (this could be a panel or a discussion, ideally)
  • Particularly interested in POC zines outside of the “punk” label +1
  • Joshua/Kelly/Violet can report out on the Zine Pavilion at ALA — and maybe raise some questions about how to continue working with ALA in a sustainable, zinester-friendly way. Jenna adds: should we try to expand ZP to PLA and ACRL?
  • barefoot librarians


Extra Curricular: Zine Research

If you want to use our zine collections, for research or for fun, you may need to request boxes in advance! Check out our list of Bingham Center zine collections  and then follow the “Request” buttons in the catalog or collection guides to register and get the boxes you want. The first 7 boxes of the Sarah Dyer collection and all of the Ailecia Ruscin collection live on site all the time, so they will be available at any time.