Topic Overview:
Conversation about managing digital assets and coordinating efforts. How to ask folks to support tech infrastructure. Current Projects/Assets:
- wordpress site (repository for many things)
- Yahoo groups email list
- Github (for union catalog working group)
- Zine Wiki
- Etherpad
Some projects require funding (website domain, hosting, etc)
Desire for more collaboration with updating tech infrastructure and contributing content to
- Building out section for contributions, make website more collaborative (difficulties with access due to WordPress format)
- Call for help/subgroup? Possible role for project assistants?
- Email Violet to grant access
Interest in session:
- thinking about intellectual property; how can students populate zine wiki pages
- who and how resources are managed
- what are community/support needs?
- how to connect content generated in courses to the existing resources; what are tech questions/issues in zine librarian community
- how zine wiki is maintained/future development
- institutions/students are creating zines, how to connect to and utilize existing platforms?
Etherpad =>
- used by union catalog and zine wiki groups; stripped down text editor allowing for collaborative editing; tracks authorship (color coding); autosaves; also includes a chat function; IS NOT GOOGLE!
- Anyone can use by accessing link
- open source dropbox; a repository that can store different kinds of file formats (good for code)
- ACTION: is there a way to create a group github (instead of having a personal account)? YES YOU CAN
- create a generic email account to use? are there free plans?
- use for catalog exports
- Public Dropbox as alternative for accessibility/functionality?
Potential value of consolidating resources
Zine Librarian Email List/Yahoo Group
- also a place to put files! restricted group (email Jenna for access)
- ACTION: Review files in the Yahoo group, migrate to github/github alternative
- are items in github searchable on the internet? YES
- AOL just bought Yahoo; need to migrate more pressing maybe
- what are alternatives?
- ACTION: Can we host email lists at
- need for something that does not create need for more administrative oversight
Zine Wiki
- need more administration and TLC
- Contact Jenna at Barnard to gain access/admin
- individual libraries tracking/contributing to entries for zine wiki
- union catalog group are working on more structure for zinewiki; additional metadata
- no standard for entries right now, template in development for infobox
- if you know somebody who is good with media wiki, we could use the expertise (not just zine folks)
- wikipedia edit-a-thons as good way to recruit potential volunteers to help with wiki
- can create collection notes (groundwork for union catalog)
Next Steps
- Investigating alternatives to github
- Reviewing yahoo group materials; consolidate/migrate as needed
- Encourage folks who are adding content to zine wiki to also think about writing up a workflow
- Group hack session tomorrow during zine making