ZLuC 2013 IOW

> ZLuC 2013 IOW

[this content was archived from the original site: http://iczluc.wikispaces.com)


This is a working space for the 2013 Zine Librarian (un)Conference, which will be held at the Main Library at the University of Iowa and at psz, both in Iowa City, on July 13-14.

What’s an (un)conference?

This is from Eric Goldhagen’s blog and was written about Drupal Camp in NYC but applies to the ZL(u)C, too.

  • An unconference is a participant centric conference, the structure is more concerned with the value to the participants than the value for the sponsors or organizers (in a similar way that the GPL Free Software license is more concerned with the rights of the software user than the software owner)
  • At a normal conference, the hallway conversations tend to be the best parts. At an unconference, it’s all hallway!
  • unconference tries to replicate the community centric nature of Free Software projects in the way we organize an event. Everyone is a participant.
  • Whoever shows up are the right people to have here
  • Whatever happens is what is supposed to happen
  • If you find yourself in a place where you are neither learning or contributing, be respectful but use your feet to find another room where you can learn and contribute
  • Your participation is not only welcome, it’s necessary

Much more info about (un)conferences can be found at unconference.net

Call for Workshops

If you are interested in leading a one-hour workshop during the conference, please submit the following information by creating a page for your proposal on this wiki andlinking to the proposal on this page by Friday, May 31st, 2013.On your workshop page, please include:

  1. The title of your workshop
  2. Your name and a very brief biography of all workshop leaders (1-3 sentences each)
  3. A brief (100 word) summary of topics you would address
  4. Any tools, equipment or technology that would be required
  5. Add your proposal page to this list (You’ll need to be logged into the wiki to do so):
    1. Sample proposal from the 2009 ZL(u)C: Zine Anatomy

Guidelines for workshops: We are interested in hosting workshops that will be informational, how-to’s and describe a task, skill or scheme that another zine library would find useful. This could be hands-on, or a presentation of what your library has done well.
Note: This is a call only for workshops that require extensive pre-planning, are practical in nature, or require specific materials. We will also have facilitated discussions at the conference, but those will be selected at the conference itself. Please add yours!

possible discussions
This is a place to dump potential topics of discussion.
zinecore update — some helpful context can be found in Milo’s handy zine and the discussions from the past few years’ unconferences: 2012, 2011, 2009
why a zine library? this may seem redundant and obvious, but im curious what are the motivations behind trying to establish and cultivate zine libraries. why is this important? What motivates you to work on this? Has there been any practical outcomes/benefits that you have witnessed from curating these collections and making them available?
10 — international zines — distinctions from US zines, challenges to collecting, etc.; any experiences?
12 –Readers’ Advisory for zines, zine talking, academic/research recommendations too
Zine cataloging and RDA
how are we cataloging – 8ish
linked open data – 10ish
cataloging track of sessions
1- What’s new in your library/community? — ALL THE TIME
10 — Planning for future zl(u)cs – Kelly &
ideas for planning/hosting zine related events
& Workshop
Cataloging track – Maybe separate from xZINECOREx, moving forward on a union catalogue? (Oh I second this union catalogue thing, its intriguing!)
6 — Are there any needs that we have in relation to the web site and maintaining resources for the zine librarian’s interest group? —
zinelibraries.info update/new plans – Jude
checkin in progress & tasks
Indexing metazines (e.g., Xerography Debt, Zine World)–Jenna
Filling the Jerianne void! ZineWiki, Zine World resources. See also kidnapping Jerianne and chaining her to a photocopier, mailbox and computer.
If anyone wants to look over a project idea I have involving pop-up zine libraries in Kansas City, please let me know. If we have free time and interest I could discuss it, or I could just get some contact information and forward the proposal. -Stephanie
Noon today — Not a discussion, but a tour of the zine collections at UI. –Jenna
11 – ILL, scanning, and copying zines, including for prison inmates. –Jenna
Permissions, copyright, scanning
STAR – Isn’t a discussion but don’t want to forget – create You’re Welcome card for Davida of Xerography Debt – Jude
13 — POC zines in collections – ZINE LIBRARIANS ♥: Do you have any ‎#zines by POC on your shelves? If not, why? We are here to help if you need it. ‎#accountability ‎#outreach ‎#duedilligence ‎#OnePOCzineIsn’tEnough “Not sure if I don’t have POC zines in my library because there aren’t any local POC zinesters or if it’s because I didn’t do any outreach with local orgs of color.” POC Zine Project on Facebook. Think the active outreach piece of this is important. – Jude
representation in zine collections e.g. people of color, how does this and doesn’t this intersect with scope of collection question
8 — Teaching with zines: why it is messed up to grade someone’s zine. (Inspired in part by this post: http://poczineproject.tumblr.com/post/53116350336/lets-talk-about-zines-in-the-classroom-pros-and-cons) – Kelly
Barefoot librarians caucus at lunch
8 – What conversations can science fiction zinesters (especially older generations) and our 90s/current zinesters have together?
working with ‘older’ zines – community, outreach
13- Defining a collection policy/scope, combined with weeding policies, combined with finding homes for weeded zines – Milo
Collection/Peeps – when referencing, where to send folks (ie. for queer zines go to QZAP, for X zine go to Y collection/ talk to N person at Z institution) – Milo

Service Project(s)

There are a few service projects that folks can work on throughout the (un)conference. Here is space for them.

Teaching Lists
The UI Special Collections has thousands of zines in archival collections, but, as of yet, not many good subject lists that we can use for class requests that are subject-specific. Getting together a couple of lists of zines relating to specific topics (and especially “best-of” for teaching zines on specific topics) would be hugely helpful in attracting more zine-related class visits to Special Collections as well as including zines in classes using books and manuscripts.

More details to follow, but this would involve going through our finding aids (and/or the collections themselves, depending on interest) and tagging zines that you think would be good for classes on the following subjects: Queer/LGTB, Race/POC, Agriculture/farming, Transportation/bikes
Or adding to the existing lists on: Feminism, Food/cooking/culinary

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I just learned about zines, and I think they’re really cool. Should I come to this event?
A: ZL(u)C is open to anyone who is interested in zines and libraries. It’s a chance for us to get together and dig into the rich, complicated delightful questions of zine libraries. You can get a sense of the discussions that have happened at previous ZL(u)Cs by looking at the notes. There will almost certainly be continuations of some of those conversations — things like zinecore and acquisition and ethics are just gonna keep coming up.

Q: I’m not a librarian OR I don’t currently work with zines OR I don’t work with zines or in a library. Is that a problem?
A: No? Many people are gonna bring practical problems from the zine libraries that they work with, but you certainly don’t need to be in the thick of a collection to participate. And you certainly don’t need to have a library degree to be a zine librarian. But if you’re not interested in zines and libraries, this probably ain’t the unconference for you.

Q. Is the location wheelchair accessible?
A. Yes — both Main Library and psz are accessible to people with disabilities. You can get more information about accessibility at the University of Iowa Libraries http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/help/disabilities/, If you have specific questions, feel free to email us and we’ll get you the information you need.