
> ZLuC 2010 PDX > schedule

Schedule 2010

Conference Schedule (archive with “video” links)

  • 10:30-10:45 Begin, introductions
  • 10:50-11:20 Promoting Literacy Through Outreach with Kim Riot & Cathy Camper (video link)
  • 11:25-11:55 From the Ground: Using Zines for Emerging Stories with Lindsae Sindalu & Allynn Carpenter (video link)
  • 12-12:45 Freestyle moderated discussion with Emily-Jane Dawson (video link)
  • 12:45-1:45 Lunch (we can have breakout sessions during lunch if we’re so inclined)
  • 1:50-2:20 Zines & Community Archives/Libraries with Kelly McElroy & Kathryn Higgins (video link)
  • 2:25-2:55 Ziner’s Advisory with Kelsey Smith (note: we skipped this, see below)
  • 3:00-3:20 Zinewiki overview & explanation of adding entries with Jerianne Thompson
  • 3:20-5:20 Work party- adding entries to zinewiki- everybody, please bring zines, either newly acquired from the symposium or not. We will have computers available from the library’s computer lab for this part, but you can also bring a laptop. You can also plan to add entries for your zine collection, including holdings. (note: this mostly didn’t happen because everybody had to jet)
  • 5:20-5:30 Wrap-up, next steps, what worked, what didn’t work, etc. (note: this mostly didn’t happen either because everybody had to jet. I would like to hear from people via email about what they thought worked & didn’t work…)

Note on the videos: you might want to consider them more like podcasts- the image quality is poor, but you should be able to hear the presentations and discussions okay. Also, the beginnings are cut off of all of the videos because the previous video needed to be dumped off off of the camera before the next one could be recorded. Such is life.

Note: some people may want to attend only part of the conference or leave early to go to the ZAPP event in Seattle, which starts at 7- that’s okay too!

Please consider bringing… paper & pens, laptops, cameras, snacks & beverages to share, zines, and anything you might want to show and tell! Presenters, if you have files you need for your presentations, please bring them on a flash drive.

Conference Presentations

  • Promoting Literacy Through Outreach (video link)- Kim Riot of Grrrl Zines a Go-Go & Cathy Camper, MCL librarian – Three Word Chant! Literacy, Creativity, and History! Kim Riot, collective member of Grrrl Zines A-Go-Go, will talk about the last 7 years of zine activism through education and outreach. Kim will explore how GZAGG jointly worked together with youth and adults to make zines, not just something people talk about, but something people take away. Cathy Camper will discuss zines going to prison and school! Learn how to use zines to connect with at risk kids, or to reconnect students to their classroom studies. Cathy will talk about what worked, how to network with teachers, and share some zines kids made as well as zine making techniques they loved.
  • From the Ground: Using Zines for Emerging Stories (video link)- Lindsae Sindalu of Spokane’s fabulous new Bird’s Nest Zine Library & Allynn Carpenter, Bird’s Nest librarian and author of the zine Kiss Kiss Squish Squish – Zines are a new concept to many people in the inland, economically depressed city of Spokane. I’ll be talking about how we are promoting zine making and reading as a way for people to make their own stories known – whether those stories are relevant to entire communities or to one person’s struggle. I will discuss outreach methods, some of the stories that have been shared, and how we plan to affect community awareness and education.
  • Freestyle moderated discussion (video link)- Emily-Jane Dawson, MCL librarian – Emily-Jane will facilitate a discussion about how we handle various aspects of our work — finding and selecting zines, working within an institution/bureaucracy (for those of us who do!), creating professional development opportunities, recruiting and working with volunteers, practicing and evaluating outreach efforts, and so on. Come prepared with ideas about which topics you’d like to discuss!
  • Zines and Community Archives/Libraries (video link)- Kelly McElroy, recently minted MLIS, former ZAPP volunteer & Portland Zine Symposium Organizer & Kathryn Higgins- Brown University grad student & former ZAPP volunteer Community Archives are what they sound like: collections of documents about a community and/or collected by a community. (See this great UK site for more information.) Community archives help a group collect its own documentary heritage and can build awareness of minority groups. Zines often accumulate into this sort of collection. We’ll discuss how institutions can support communities with these sorts of collections, using the Zine Archive and Publishing Project as a case study.
  • Ziner’s Advisory - Kelsey Smith, Olympia Timberland Library reference & zine librarian – I’ll be talking about performing reader’s advisory with zines using some of the standard “rules” behind successful booktalking. You’ll get to hear a few brief zine reviews, then we’ll spend the rest of the time practicing our ziner’s advisory in small groups. Don’t be afraid! (we scratched this presentation in the interest of time and my lack of preparation… however, I do intend to finish this presentation and will link it here when I do.- kelsey)
  • ZineWiki overview & workparty – Jerianne Thompson, Linebaugh Public Librarian & ZineWiki co-administrator – The conference kinda broke up before we did this, but I did make a cheat sheet on creating & editing ZineWiki articles. (It’s linked on the Notes page.)

Potential Conference Discussion Topics for Moderated Discussion or Future Conferences

  • zine cataloging and classification in general
  • building a union catalog for zines
  • outreach to schools
  • partnerships between zine libraries and other organizations
  • zines in academic research
  • digitization of zines
  • professional development for volunteer zine librarians
  • promoting literacy with zines
  • zine ethics
  • circulation issues
  • popular zines- what moves at your library?
  • zines & gender
  • Cascadia Zine Coalition- idea raised at the Seattle unconference

Possible Work Party Tasks for Future Conferences

  • Shared collection development, access and age restriction, and challenge policies
  • Shared policies for intern/volunteers/staff working with zine collections
  • Shared disposition/deaccession policies
  • Cooperative collection development initiative
  • Adding entries from newly acquired PZS zines to zinewiki (WINNER for 2010 conference!)
  • Common controlled vocabulary for zine subjects (currently being discussed on the ZL Yahoo list)
  • Note: I started some folders on Google Docs so that we can start to gather zine related documentation- policies & procedures, cataloging info, public handouts, etc; in case we need them for the work party portion of the conference. Please add to it!