ZLuC 2009 SEA

> ZLuC 2009 SEA

[This is an archive of the original site, which was at seattle-zine-unconference.wikispaces.com.]

ZLuC 2009 program cover, created by ZAPP staff

Welcome to the Seattle Zine Librarian (Un)conference Pages
March 14th and 15th, 2009
Location: ZAPP at Richard Hugo House
1634 11th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122

Members of the Zine Librarians Yahoo Group and other interested parties discussed any and all topics related to zines and libraries. The Zine Librarians group shared information at zinelibraries.info.

This conference was a mix of traditional conference and unconference.

There will also be a zine reading on Saturday night, March 14th, at 7pm. The zine reading will be held in Cafe Allegro’s upstairs room at 1408 NE 42nd Street (between University Way and 15th Ave).

Zine Catalog Project – share ideas about what you want to get out of a collaborative zine cataloging project. those that attending the conference can use these notes as a frame of reference for discussion about the big zine catalog!

Press release and call for workshop proposals

Zine Librarians (Un)Conference
Seattle, Washington, March 14 and 15, 2009

Zine librarians, collectors and creators are invited to the Richard Hugo House and the Zine Archive and Publishing Project for two days of discussion and presentation centered around the collecting and organizing of zines; be they in libraries, archives, infoshops, basements, or living rooms.

Blending a traditional conference with the Unconference model, this gathering will be participatory and open. Workshops will be scheduled, and discussions of cataloging, organizing and promoting zine collections are expected, among other topics. All members of the zine community, including non-librarians, are invited to join in and take part.

An outline of events and further information is available on the event’s wiki: http://seattle-zine-unconference.wikispaces.com/
Please visit the wiki to register your attendance, help plan the events, and volunteer.

March 14 and 15, 2009
10 am – 5 pm
Location: Zine Archive Publishing Project (ZAPP) at Richard Hugo House
1634 11th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122

The event is FREE, but there may be a small, voluntary donation for food and/or materials.

To register to attend the (un)conference and join the discussion, visit the wiki: http://seattle-zine-unconference.wikispaces.com/Register
REGISTER DEADLINE: March 6th, Friday.

7pm March 14th at Cafe Allegro (1408 NE 42nd Street,between University Way and 15th Ave). Join zine creators, readers and librarians in this celebration of self-publishing. There will also be limited space for zinesters to sell their wares. If you’d like to read or hawk your merch, please sign up here!

If you are interested in leading a one-hour workshop during the conference, please submit the following information by creating a page for it on this wiki and listing it on the proposals page by Friday, February 28th, 2009:
1.The title of your workshop
2.Your name and a very brief biography of all workshop leaders (1-3 sentences each)
3.A brief (100 word) summary of topics you would address
4.Any tools, equipment or technology that would be required
5.Add your proposal to this list:1.Proposals
2.And then create a page for it (You’ll need to be logged into the wiki to do so) and link to it. (As in the example of Zine Anatomy)

Guidelines for workshops: We are interested in hosting workshops that will be informational, how-to’s and describe a task, skill or scheme that another zine library would find useful. This could be hands-on, or a presentation of what your library has done well.
Note: This is a call only for workshops that require extensive pre-planning, are practical in nature, or require specific materials. We will also have facilitated discussions at the conference, but those will be selected at the conference itself. List of potential discussion topics. Please add yours!

For more information about the Zine Librarians (Un)Conference, contact:
Alycia Sellie, alyciasellie@gmail.com

Organizers notes

Who is willing to organize the event?

In/near Seattle
Jessica Lucas
Kelsey Smith (Olympia- an hour away…)
Abby Bass
Kathryn Higgins
Nora Mukaihata

In not Seattle
Jenna Freedman
Clinton Watson
Alycia Sellie
Kelly McElroy (Vancouver, BC)
(tentatively, Milo Miller)

Stuff to do:
•find venue(s)◦As of 11/22/08 it looks like ZAPP is the site for the conference. See below for more info. (AB)

•arrange to visit local zine libraries, perhaps do a work project for them?
•make sure space is set up to exchange zines and lit… a mini info-shop for the zine conference
-Zapp at Richard Hugo House–
•(AB) Nora, can you list some ideas for possible work projects that folks could do if interested? Some info about ZAPP can be found here:◦http://www.hugohouse.org/events/zapp/

-Seattle Central Public Library–teen section (where all the cool stuff is…)
-Small collection at the University Branch, could use meeting room and supplies to do a memorial zine
•transportation/rideshare info
•tech needs

Discussion topics

Suggest a topic you can present on, or lead a discussion on:

1.Starting a collection — Jenna
2.Building an online catalog with open-source software — Clinton
3.Organizing zine events — Alycia
4.TRL’s Zine Collection Story: Starting from Scratch– Kelsey
5.Zine Workshop/Event/Collaborating/Media Action– Kim Riot (Grrrl Zines A-Go-Go)
6.Zine Archiving and Preservation for the Beginner — Kim Riot
7.Partnering with Higher Education: Zines as a semester-long project for writing, arts, design, and other liberal arts courses — Clinton
8.Defining and Disrupting Collection Policies: A Round-table discussion on the Vague Specifics of determining what fits in your zine collection, and where — Milo and Jenna
9.Introduction to basic principles of cataloging for non-librarians — Tyler.
10.Dealing with the problems associated with circulating zine collections — Tyler

Suggest a topic you’d like to see discussed:

1.Policies–balancing commitment to librarianship and sensitivity to zine community — Jenna
2.Library-specific caucuses1.Academic librarians caucus — Jenna
2.Public librarians caucus — Jerianne
3.Private / special librarians caucus — ??

3.Marketing your zine collection– Kelsey
4.Shoestring Zine Collection Development– Kelsey
5.Programming with Zines– Kelsey
6.Make a comp zine, maybe Zine Librarian Zine 3, if Greig doesn’t mind
7.Cataloging: Subject headings vs. tags — Clinton
8.Identifying different types of prints and bindings (for cataloging purposes) — Jenna
9.What everyone’s favorite zines are! — Alycia
10.Zines by and for librarians, or about libraries (OR a swap? bring yours!) — Alycia (I’d also like to see a general zine swap — everyone bring zines that you can’t use for your collection, duplicates, etc., to give away/trade –Jerianne)
11.How about a basic bookbinding workshop? –Kelsey
12.Collection Development Policies, and Determining the Scope of your Zine Collection– Kelsey
13.Anyone interested in zines in social action? the YMCA has a working zone project to give homeless kids job skills by making and selling their own zine. They are pretty good and we could probably have them come do a presentation.–Jessica
14.Partnerships between zine libraries/collections to share resources, coordinate events and outreach, strategize about collection priorities, etc. –Emily-Jane (I second this one– Clinton)
15.Dynamic Zine Education and Event/Exhibit Programming, how to use zines as sources for community development within the library — Kim Riot
16.Print v. E-zine: Can they get along?
17.Physical (and digital!) preservation of zines
18.Shared cataloging on wiki AND zine catalog project in general
19.Identifying different types of prints and bindings (for cataloging purposes) — Jenna
20.What everyone’s favorite zines are! — Alycia
21.Zines by and for librarians, or about libraries (OR a swap? bring yours!) — Alycia
22.How to write a zine review (lookin at you, Jenna…) — Kelsey (stop looking at me, and look at Jerianne!–Jenna)([Looking at Jerianne now per Jenna’s instructions… is she coming?–Kelsey]){I don’t know if Jerianne is coming, but I hope so!–Jenna}
23.Zinesters discussing their preferences on library issues (90s zines in circulating collections, scanning zine covers for reviews and exhibits, digitizing covers and other content, quoting from them, etc.) — Jenna
24.Zine challenges (by patrons and/or creators) and Intellectual Freedom Policies — Abby (I second this — Jerianne)
25.Sharing best practices re: collection development policies, disaster preparedness, preservation & conservation, and cataloging — Abby
26.‡biblios.net as our union catalog –Jenna
27.Zine Yearbook. Microcosm probably won’t publish it again. Would someone else want to take this on? –Jenna
28.Developing ZineWiki policies and guidelines –Jerianne

(–there is a cool local non-profit that did book binding programs for spl this summer I believe they were called the Seattle Center for Book Arts–JL)
(Awesome! Do you think you could figure out who to talk to from that group? I could teach some really basic techniques, but nothing too fancy… -kelsey)

Photo documentation

If you’re on Flickr, please join the Zine Libraries group and tag Zine (un)Con photos zluc2009.

Alphabetical, by first name:
•Alycia Sellie
•Dan Halligan
•David Lasky
•Jenna Freedman
•Jerianne Thompson
•Kelsey Smith
•Sonya Green

photo from Jenna Freedman; click to see within Flickr set