International Zine Library Day

Perhaps you’re aware that July is International Zine Month, but did you know that July 21st of every year is International Zine Library Day?? It’s true! A day just to celebrate zine libraries of all shapes and sizes as well as those who keep them running. You can find a brief FAQ and some simple celebratory images on this very site.

A long-standing tradition has been to bring your favorite zine librarian a treat: vegan donuts are a particular favorite, but treats of any kind are welcome. If you’re a zine librarian—treat yourself!! Be sure to share your celebrations with the hashtag #IZM2017.

Thanks to Stolen Sharpie Revolution for making IZM a time to share the zine love.

black and white text flyer with title "July is International Zine Month" and suggestions for how to celebrate each day

Ideas to celebrate International Zine Month courtesy Stolen Sharpie Revolution—click to embiggen!

One thought on “International Zine Library Day

  1. Pingback: International Zine Month 2017 round-up | DIY feminist zines + comix

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