We’re getting ready to begin actual development of the Zine Union Catalog. Before we get started we need to put it someplace. At the moment we’re looking a a virtual hosting environment that will cost about $250 USD for a year.
Are you able to help out?
A $20 USD donation from you will:
• Get a month of server time named after yourself or your designee
• Help us get this up and running for at least 1 year
• Win our hearts and minds
If we should somehow have a surplus, any extra monies will go toward keeping this blog hosted and/or the ZL(u)C scholarship.
If you’d like to donate, you can use PayPal and send it to jennafree@bigfoot.com. Checks and cash in the mail are also welcome: 203 Rivington St. #3C / New York, NY 10002
Months claimed/open so far:
January: Partners, dearly departed feline friend to Eric and Jenna
February: Rhonda, unless she’s the one who chose March
March: Jeremy? someone asked for March, but I can’t find the deets in my email
April: Honor
May: Violet
September: Simon, dearly departed canine friend to Kelly W.
November: Linda
Pingback: Zine Union Catalog: proposal by Jenna Freedman – Digital Praxis Seminar Fall 2016
Pingback: Revised Zine Union Catalog Proposal | Digital Praxis Seminar 2016-2017 | CUNY Academic Commons