Antifa For Kids zine

Cover of Antifa for Kids zineWhile updating the Zines for Kids page here at someone recommended Sasaki Family Zines “Antifa For Kids“, published by Just Seeds.

While it’s totally appropriate for some kids and their families, the Zines for Kids page is supposed to be a safe resource for parents and educators. Since that was the goal, it didn’t feel right to put AFK there, but a number of folks within the zine librarian community really do like this one, and think it’s a humorous way to look and talk about policing for parents and children.

As a compromise, we updated the Zines for Kids page without it, but still wanted to include it, so here it is. Libraries are not neutral, and zine libraries even more so. In both instances, though, we do strive to serve wide communities, and that sometimes means holding, sharing and talking about materials that might make some of us uncomfortable or might be deemed inappropriate in some circumstances. In this case we’re happy to have found a way to balance both the need for having super kid-friendly resources with the desire to further conversations that are happening in communities around the world about public safety.

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